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Louis Rees-Zammit

Speed & Power Programme

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our cutting-edge 16-week speed and power programme, designed in collaboration with professional athlete, Louis Rees-Zammit and Olympic Gold Medallist, Darren Campbell. This programme is meticulously crafted to enhance your speed and power, ensuring you reach your peak performance.
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Four Key Training Blocks to Peak Performance

This programme is structured into four progressive training blocks, each tailored to build on the previous, ensuring you develop the necessary strength and power for maximum speed.

Block 1: Power and Strength Foundations
Focus: Establish a solid base level of strength.
Details: Introductory phase to prepare your body for the intensity ahead.
Block 2: Max Strength Phase
Focus: Achieve heavy 1RMs (one-repetition maximums).
Details: Intense strength-building period to break personal records with the right periodisation, nutrition, and recovery.
Block 3: Strength/Speed Phase
Focus: Develop power while maintaining strength.
Details: Incorporate contrast training to transition from strength to explosive power.
Block 4: Peak Phase
Focus: Speed/strength exercises to prime for peak performance.
Details: Engage in high-intensity drills to ensure you perform at your best during games.

Sprint Training by Olympic Gold Medallist Darren Campbell

This program integrates the elite speed philosophy of Olympic Gold Medallist Darren Campbell, focusing on Condition, Control, and Perform (CCP). The sprint component is essential to conditioning your body for speed and involves:

Block 1: Drills at 70% max effort.
Block 2: Drills at 80% max effort. 
Block 3: Drills at 90% max effort.
Block 4: Drills at MAX effort.

Training intensities and distances vary across blocks to match the increasing intensity.

Join Us Now!

Don’t miss this opportunity to train like Louis Rees-Zammit. Transform your speed and power with SW7 Academy’s new programme.

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